“Fitness is not a destination, but a journey”

Fitness is a journey that never comes to a halt. In fact, it never should. Looking at the list of benefits it has in store for you and your health, fitness should be your routine. We all know this very well that fitness opens the doors of health and activity. To be fit means to keep your heart, lungs, brain, and functioning of vital body organs fit.

So, if you are ready to pace on your journey of fitness, here are 5 super simple tips to help you kick start your journey:

1. Commitment is the key

To have a strong commitment is extremely necessary when it comes to getting in shape. Without a strong commitment actions would look like a burden to your plans. Unlike what you may think, gymming is not all that it requires to stay fit. You need to be religiously committed to eating healthy, exercising daily and retiring to bed on time. Eating healthy even if you crave western foods can be made healthy. Your fried and high cholesterol breakfast can be replaced with corn flakes or Choco flakes or Indian-style instant poha.

2. Mindful eating means healthy eating

All of us know how important it is to follow a balanced diet in order to make our bodies fit. So, think before you eat. You need to be sure about the nutritional value of the food on your plate before gulping it down your throat. You can choose healthy instant pasta like fusilli pasta for your Italian lunch option. You can go for healthy and yummy instant oats for evening refreshment or you can even begin your day with oats or vermicelli. It’s all about how you take small steps to your diet and add changes to your fitness routine.

These changes include appropriate amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates, calcium, and minerals. Eat mindfully; making sure your meal fulfills these nutritional requisites.

3. Hydration is equally important

With a change in your daily routine and regular exercising, you will naturally feel the need to sip on more water than otherwise. That is your body’s call and you must never ignore it! Hydrate your body, especially if you are indulging in intense workouts regularly. Hydrating is just as necessary as a part of nourishment as eating good food.

4. Try something new

In the entire routine what I feel is of utmost importance is food and meals. The good part is you do not need to stick to the contemporary methods of dieting these days. There are new, fun, and yummy ways to stay fit. Someday you can pick khaman dhokla mix and spent an evening well with karak tea and your friends. The point is to concentrate on healthy food options rather than just controlling your craving and satisfying it with salads only!

5. Reduce your stress levels

Too many of us think fitness just means getting into a better body shape. Well, you can never truly be fit if you are not in a relaxed and healthy mind space. Having a mind that is free from stress is just as important as having a body that is free from ailments.

A stress-free lifestyle can really make a huge difference and impact your fitness journey to a great extent.

Staying fit has become an urgent necessity, owing to the kind of lifestyle we are stuck with. So it’s over to you how you want to decide fitness for yourself. Change the way of staying fit and enjoy your life equally. That would be our new motto!

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