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Three Reasons Why Should You Switch to Poha for Breakfast

If you are concerned about your health or nutrition, you know how important it is to have a balanced breakfast. Medical professionals also advise patients to start their days with a nutritious meal that helps replenish energy levels. Poha is one of the best breakfast alternatives you may try out of all the possibilities. It is a staple in the western regions of India and is delicious, light, and incredibly nourishing. In many regions, it is also regarded as a superfood, and we firmly believe this to be the case.

Poha is an Indian snack that is tasty and has various health advantages. Thus, it is appropriate to refer to it as a superfood. Who could not enjoy poha? And it becomes much more appealing when it has a long list of advantages. The most popular Indian breakfast food, Poha, comes in various forms. Some people prefer to add a touch of sugar to it, while others want to smother it with peanuts and vegetables.

Did you know that instant poha like fespro poha too has tremendous health benefits? What makes Instant fespro Poha healthy is the fact that it is easily digestible. Yes, instant Poha is a very light food and is very effortlessly digested. Therefore, we can have it in the morning as breakfast or as light evening snacks. It will keep you full for a longer time”.

Suitable Carbohydrates

Superfood Your body gets its good carbs from poha. Its composition comprises around 23% fat and 76.9% carbs. It is so easy to infer that it gives you the necessary energy to do your everyday tasks without allowing any excess fat to be stored.

Controls blood and sugar levels

Poha should become your closest buddy if you have diabetes. The Indian snack’s high fibre content encourages a gradual release of sugar into circulation, which helps control the body’s blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Low-calorie intake

Poha that has been cooked has about 250 calories per serving. However, filling it with a tonne of vegetables also becomes rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Try omitting the peanuts if you’re managing your weight because they have more calories.

Instant Poha may be the answer to all of your various issues. Just add hot water to the fespro poha cup, wait for 8 minutes and let it work its magic.

fespro instant poha

A snack that is easy to prepare & effortlessly sumptuous

Poha, a famous street food dish and a staple of Madhya Pradesh’s breakfast menu, is a nutritious way to start the day. Nearly every roadside café offering this popular delicacy is located in the heart of India. In fact, for those who adore poha in MP, breakfast would be incomplete without a plateful of poha!

Because of people’s enthusiasm for this breakfast alternative, Fespro Poha has a particular place in every home.

It quickly responds to various queries, such as what to prepare for breakfast. Fespro Poha. You’re running out of time. Fespro Poha. No access to expensive ingredients? Let’s prepare fespro Poha.

Well! In addition to being tasty and light on the stomach, this snack is also simple to make instantly at home. it will get ready in no time.

Unlike fespro instant poha, other poha dishes can be prepared in various ways, depending on what you want to add to make it a healthy breakfast choice. For the recipe, continue reading. Additionally, you may improvise it based on available ingredients and available time.

How to prepare poha:

  • Poha is prepared by separating it into medium- to thick-sized flakes and washing them in a colander. After a thorough rinse, set the filter aside to allow the flakes to swell.
  • After a little while, examine the flakes’ softness and breakability by pressing them between your thumb and finger.
  • The peanuts should be fried in hot oil until brown and crispy over medium heat.
  • Put the peanuts on a platter and save them.
  • Now add the cumin and mustard seeds to the same pan. Add the hing, onion, curry leaves, and green chillies after they start to pop.
  • Cook the onion just until it begins to turn pink. You may also include potato cubes if you’d like. Well, sauté now.
  • Mix thoroughly, then cover the pan after adding the salt, sugar, and turmeric to taste.
  • Cook until it becomes heated on very low heat. Cut the heat off.

How to prepare instant fespro poha?

So, if you are someone who cannot deal with lengthy procedures, and can’t resist enjoying poha, just add hot water to fespro instant poha cup and cover it for 8 minutes. Your poha is ready to eat! Yes! It’s that easy! If you are looking for some handy options to fix breakfast in a jiffy, don’t think twice. Just think fespro instant poha!

fespro foods-fusilli-pasta

Tips and Tricks to Style Your Pasta

People of all ages enjoy pasta because it is a simple, stress-free dinner. Pasta isn’t a portion of food; it’s a mood. Isn’t the ideal way to improve anyone’s mood a delicious meal of pasta? Whole wheat pasta has become a curse for pasta fans who are health-conscious. Fespro Whole wheat pasta of high quality is an excellent source of essential nutrients.

However, a meal with a good flavour should also be aesthetically pleasing. Indians eat with their sight first. Therefore, the food must also be a feast for the senses.

Here are some style suggestions for that mouth-watering meal of whole wheat pasta.

1. Dish: That eye-catching Pasta won’t look well against a patterned wall, will it? There is too much colour distraction, don’t you think? Therefore, a light, single-coloured porcelain dish would precisely match the fespro whole wheat  pasta India meal to emphasize the pasta and sauce more.

2. Add a garnish. The meal may seem beautiful and appealing by adding cheese flakes and fresh herbs as a garnish. A steaming fespro pasta dish with a sprinkle of fresh parmesan flakes is hard to resist.

3. Less is more: Don’t pile too much Pasta on your plate. Allowing the dish’s colours to pop is the most excellent way to serve it. Never forget that less is more.

4. Dress up your pasta meal with sauce: Western pasta dishes are untidy because the sauce is dolled up on top of the noodles. Before serving, combine the Pasta and sauce to produce a tidy plate.

5. Pasta nest: Different pasta shapes and sizes are produced by fespro. Durum wheat semolina is used to make real Pasta. Making Pasta nests give the dish a creative, attractive, and enjoyable appearance. To build a pasta nest, spin the sauced pasta on a fork to form a circle, then place it in the middle of the plate.

6. Keep it fresh: Food in its original form looks attractive and offers nourishment. Adding new ingredients and veggies to your cuisine may transform it. Prepare the meal right before serving as well. Fresh food on a hot platter may melt a stone as well.

Please don’t just serve our fespro Pasta in a bowl, destroying its aesthetic appeal! Even a considerate serving may make someone’s day. Let Fespro pasta aid as a mood enhancer for everyone.


Origins and exciting facts about corn flakes, the breakfast cereal.


The origin of corn flakes

When individuals decided to begin their mornings with crispy golden flakes, the green red-crested rooster renowned around the world became for many the emblem of waking up.

Doctors first suggested corn flakes to their patients as a nutritious and well-balanced diet to keep in shape in 1894.

Even though the most well-known cereals of today tend to be somewhat sweet, they were roasted corn flakes with the idea of adding sugar to make them taste better, rejected by many at the time.

Legends and rumours about corn flakes

A doctor who wanted to give his patients a well-balanced and pleasant product told his entrepreneurial narrative, which over time attracted rumours, comments, and legends on the internet. The word “masturbation” is the top search result when looking into the origins of corn flakes, and for a good reason: rumours that have gone widespread on websites, blogs, and social networking sites mention the rigid upbringing many people had.

According to rumours, the doctor offered an excellent diet as a means of preventing masturbation while also advising his patients to refrain from sexual activity.


The cockerel and corn flakes are iconic, and even if the backdrops and settings on cereal boxes have changed throughout time, the cockerel is still at the forefront. The charming mascot’s link with cockfighting and breakfast in the morning could lead one to believe otherwise, but the truth is quite the opposite.

Iconic is the cockerel, the cornflakes; several backgrounds and settings on the cereal boxes have passed through time, but the cockerel is still in the foreground. One might think that the cute mascot was chosen because of its association with cockcrowing and breakfast in the morning, but its story is quite different.

Another distinguishing feature of the cereals was the small price; today, it is something that we take for granted.

fespro poha

Poha | The Quintessential Indian Breakfast

Poha, a light and fluffy dish native to Maharashtra in Western India, is made with flattened rice seasoned with onions, potatoes, and warming spices. With the earthy turmeric and fresh green chilies, the bright yellow colored dish served as a savoury breakfast or snack, is healthy as well as delicious. 

Everybody’s best feelings revolve around fresh, steaming Fespro Poha served on lazy Sunday mornings. Many have been fortunate to learn, try, and test the Maharashtrian Poha recipe, which we are pleased to share with you.

Snacks and breakfasts that are easy

Fespro Poha is a that breakfast dish served in Indian homes that require minimal preparation. I have tried many versions of this beautiful vegan dish. My north Indian friends season their Kanda-Batata (onion-potato) poha with peanuts, while my Maharashtrian friends add fresh green peas. Regardless of how it’s done, the result is always uber delicious.     

There is much more to Poha than just a meal for every Indian. As core Indians, we prefer simple and humble Kanda Poha. A steaming cup of ginger chai and a steaming bowl of fespro Poha helped forge many lasting marriage alliances in the old days. The bride-to-be would rule her kitchen if she cooked lip-smacking Kande Pohe.

Benefits of Instant Poha        

Carbohydrates, fibre, and vitamins are all found in instant poha. It is a very healthy probiotic food that has very few calories. Weight management and weight loss are ideal with their 76.9% carbohydrate and 23% fat content. There are 76.9 per cent carbohydrates in it, so it’s excellent breakfast food. Energy is provided to the body for everyday tasks.

Poha is considered the perfect breakfast food not just in India but around the world. Poha is incredibly easy to prepare, and even a novice cook cannot go wrong with any basic poha recipe. Additionally, it is cooked with vegetables like peas, potatoes, coriander, and even crunchy peanuts. As a result, the dish is more nutritious and filling. In addition, it’s very cheap and packed with nutrients!

Various variations 

Onions are a must in this recipe, but many other variations exist. I like to add a diced potato to my poha, and here are some more ideas:

  • Peas, green
  • Sliced carrots
  • Acorns
  • Along with the green chilies and curry leaves, add raw peanuts.
No Cheese and Only Pasta

No Cheese and Only Pasta! Let’s Go!

Pasta and cheese go together like two closest friends, but we don’t realize how wonderful of friends they are when they aren’t together.

People frequently ask, “But how can you live without cheese?” the minute they find out you’re lactose intolerant. Little do they realize that there are a variety of delectable non-dairy foods that lactose-intolerant persons can still enjoy. If you are lactose intolerant, you should include fespro instant pasta on your shopping list because it is adaptable.

Dairy free Pesto Pasta

You’ll adore this dish since it’s so simple to prepare and because most of the components are likely already in your kitchen.


  • Take pasta in three cups
  • Olive oil, 1/4 cup
  • Sun-dried tomatoes, 1 cup
  • 4-6 garlic cloves
  • Over the spaghetti, add more than a cup of basil while it’s cooking.
  • Optional: dairy-free parmesan cheese


  • Pasta and salt should be added to boiling water. Drain it after cooking it until it’s al dente.
  • Blend the tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil until the mixture resembles a thick, flavourful pesto.
  • Put the pasta back into the pesto-filled saucepan and stir until it appears equally covered. To finish the pesto pasta, add a little extra olive oil and fresh herbs.
  • Add basil to the dish.

Salad of Grilled Pasta

Salad of Grilled Pasta

This dish is practical if you want to use up all the leftover vegetables in your fridge. It’s easy to make, tasty, and healthful.


  • 1 cup of fusilli pasta
  • Four big tomatoes, quartered
  • 4-6 garlic cloves (add more if you are a garlic fanatic)
  • 1/fourth cup minced basil
  • Vegetables of your choosing (e.g., one onion, one red bell pepper)
  • Balsamic vinegar (if you don’t have any, melt the sugar crystals in white vinegar and vinegar and use that instead)
  • Almond oil
  • Pepper and salt.


  • Fusilli pasta should be added to salted boiling water. Once cooked al dente, drain.
  • On a grill pan, grill all of your vegetables. While grilling, season them with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Place them aside to cool when they have browned. Finely chop the garlic cloves.
  • Pasta that has been cooked should also have garlic added. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil should also be added. Depending on your taste, add salt and pepper to the dish.
  • At room temperature, or serve chilled.

Pasta Without Cheese Let’s Move! You would like these meals even if you weren’t lactose intolerant. They are also healthful, non-greasy, and handy. While savouring your pasta, you won’t even think about missing cheese.

Are you getting enough fatty acids in your diet

Are you getting enough fatty acids in your diet?

Your body requires the omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids to function effectively. You must obtain omega-3 and omega-6 necessary fatty acids from diet or supplements because your body cannot generate them. In this blog, you will find the solutions to the following questions:

  • What they are
  • Why you need them
  • Where you can get them

Polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are a form of fat that your body cannot produce. Because the human body cannot generate omega-3 fatty acids, they are referred to as “essential fats,” which means you must obtain them from your diet. Omega-3 fats are necessary fats that must be obtained through your diet. They’re good for your heart, brain, and metabolism, among other things. They also have other vital purposes, such as improving heart health, boosting mental health, losing weight and waist size, reducing liver fat, promoting new-born brain development, and fighting inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids, like omega-3s, are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are also necessary and must be obtained through your diet. Some omega-6 fatty acids have been demonstrated to help with chronic illness symptoms. It may be beneficial to your health to replace some saturated fats with omega-9 fats.

Omega-3 fat-rich foods

Plant oils, fish and other seafood, nuts and seeds

Omega-6 fatty acid-rich foods

Nuts and seeds, refined vegetable oils and dishes cooked in vegetable oils

Omega-9 fats-rich foods

Nuts and seeds, vegetable and seed oils

Omega-rich meal from Fespro!

Fespro’s Insta Oats are a food that boasts a high omega 3-6-9 content. Fespro instant oats are available in three delicious flavours: masala, vegetables, and herby tomato.

Fespro Magic – Rich Masala Dispenser is enriched with omega 3-6-9 and the health benefits of spices such as cumin, ginger, pepper, and coriander.

Fespro Insta Oats Magic – Herby Tomato Dispenser is loaded with omega 3-6-9 and tomato richness, as well as Vitamin A and C deliciousness.

Fespro Insta Oats Magic – Veggie Delight Dispenser is filled with omega 3-6-9 and the richness of dehydrated veggies that are high in nutrients.

Fespro Instant Khaman Dhokla Mix: khaman dhokla is a light food everyone loves to have in breakfast or supper time. These are Steamed not fried, Rich in Protein and fledged with Goodness of Omega.

Omega 3-6-9 is good for your health, especially when it comes to heart health. The goal is to get the correct mix of omega-3 and omega-6 in your diet. Omega fatty acids are the “unsung heroes,” a group of lipids that our bodies require. Because the human body is unable to produce certain of these fats, we must consume them through food or supplementation.

fespro poha

Never ending love for poha can now be taken home in a packet!

Poha’s never-ending love can now be sent home in a packet!

Poha, a popular breakfast alternative and street food item in Indore, is a nutritious way to start the day. Poha jalebi combo will be my first choice whenever I visit Indore. In fact, for Indories, breakfast isn’t complete unless they gorge themselves on Poha! Poha is not only popular at roadside cafes, but it also has a special place in every household due to this passion for this breakfast alternative. But because I can’t obtain the same taste in Kerela, I always remember to load up on fespro instant poha before leaving Indore. Well! This snack is not only tasty and light on the stomach, but it can also be made quickly with Fespro instant poha! This Indori Poha has a sweet and tangy flavor that sets it apart from other Pohas. Indore’s specialty is this.

It’s a ready-made answer to many questions, such as what to do for breakfast? Instant poha. Are you short on time? Instant poha. No access to high-end ingredients? Let’s get Poha cooking. Looking for something nutritious? Poha!

Whatever the circumstance, everyone’s favourite snack will be POHA-JALEBI. Fespro instant Poha is quick and simple to prepare. Indoris (people of Indore) add jeeraavan masala, Ratlaami Sev or Indori Sev, Masala boondi (nukti), and pomegranate seeds to the dish to give it an authentic taste (anar dana).

Cooking is simple

Because most of us work in the corporate sector and prefer meals that require less time to prepare, fespro quick Poha is ideal. Its preparations are straightforward; you can use just salt and spices or add veggies, peanuts, and other items as desired. In any case, Fespro instant poha will capture your heart and keep you full till noon.

Rich in nutrients

Poha appears to be light, however it is really nutritious. Instant Poha is high in iron and other minerals, making it ideal for persons who are iron deficient. Poha is also recommended by doctors as a meal for pregnant women, who require more iron than anyone else. Furthermore, sprinkling lemon (vitamin C) on top helps your body absorb the iron from poha.

– Suba Lavanya (kerela)Lavanya suba(kerela)


How to get over the Afternoon slump!

Everyone suffers from the terrible afternoon slump. It hits you, causing you to go into the best of sleep the following second. When your eyelids start to droop, it’s important to make some changes to regain your energy. One of the most effective strategies to get out of an afternoon slump is to attend to your body’s nutritional needs. The afternoon slump is characterized by fatigue, decreased energy, and difficulties concentrating. Do you know why this occurs? Your body slows down after a high-fat meal and enters the afternoon slump. Higher carbohydrate diets, on the other hand, can provide a consistent burst of energy, allowing you to stay focused for the length of your workday. To avoid the afternoon slump, consider the following approaches.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

A healthy breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. Many people, however, believe they are too busy to eat breakfast every morning. If you skip breakfast, you’re setting yourself up for failure because you’ll eat a big lunch to make up for it. This can make you feel exhausted in the afternoon. The best breakfast is one that contains both nutritious grains and protein. For example, a bowl of Cornflakes with milk and fresh fruits, Choco flakes, or even instant oats could be eaten.

Pick up a nutritious mid-afternoon snack.

When your energy levels are low, your body may be in need of some sustenance. So the first piece of advice is to take a break from work and grab a bite or drink. When it comes to snack foods, we frequently make poor decisions. Foods high in simple carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop, resulting in a decrease in energy. Rather, make sure your afternoon snack is high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Fespro khaman Dhokla mix, muesli energy balls, fespro idli, quick oats, fusilli pasta, penne pasta, macroni pasta, or even roasted vermicelli are all good options. This will help you maintain a steady stream of energy.

Instant oats are the most convenient and healthy afternoon snacks for people of all ages. Fespro quick oats come in three flavours, making them more appealing and fascinating. The tomato twist is tangy, and the masala oats are packed with flavour. On the other hand, Veggies quick oats keep your mood and tummy full with the delicious taste of veggies.

Good food, uplift your mood! (2)

Mommy won’t say NO! – Eating healthy and tasty can go Hand in hand.

Food might help you forget about your worries and hunger pangs. When it comes to taste buds, however, elders, as well as children like my twin girls, are unable to devote much energy to calorie tracking and good food. As a result, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habits for them can be challenging. As a mother, controlling their cravings for junk food and an improper diet becomes a difficult task. Allowing children to eat what they want ensures that healthy eating is never boring for them. Simply discover a nutritious alternative for your kids’ refreshment and breakfast.

Eating a healthy diet does not imply imposing tight restrictions or depriving yourself of your favorite foods. It’s more about feeling fantastic, having more energy, bettering your health, and increasing your mood.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to eat healthy. To maintain a healthy body, we all require a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, and minerals in our meals. Changing to a healthier diet does not mean sacrificing taste. This is achievable when you can rely on a company like Fespro. Instant oats in indore, fusilli pasta, penne pasta, macaroni pasta, cornflakes, choco flakes, and other Fespro products demonstrate a more effective way to implement healthy dietary changes. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices.

I had no idea my girls would make such positive changes, but it’s all owing to Fespro’s products and variations. It’s a great example of how to substitute unhealthy foods in your diet with healthy alternatives while cutting back on them. Fespro has enough fantastic healthy and tasty goods to satisfy my daughters’ individual preferences. For the breakfast, cornflakes are preferred by one, whereas choco flakes in indore are preferred by the other. One prefers instant oats with a tomato twist, while the other prefers vegetables and masala. Although they are both overwhelmed with the variety of healthy pasta options, I do not mind their choices because it is good for their health. Overall, fespro foods in indore is beneficial to your health. My tip to mothers to make sure your children eat healthy and tasty together is: Read the labels.

 It’s important to be aware of what’s in your food as manufacturers often hide large amounts of sugar or unhealthy fats in packaged food, even food claiming to be healthy. And for this, an extra thumbs up to Fespro!

~ Mrs. Garima Malani
A mother of 11-year-old twins