
How to get over the Afternoon slump!

Everyone suffers from the terrible afternoon slump. It hits you, causing you to go into the best of sleep the following second. When your eyelids start to droop, it’s important to make some changes to regain your energy. One of the most effective strategies to get out of an afternoon slump is to attend to your body’s nutritional needs. The afternoon slump is characterized by fatigue, decreased energy, and difficulties concentrating. Do you know why this occurs? Your body slows down after a high-fat meal and enters the afternoon slump. Higher carbohydrate diets, on the other hand, can provide a consistent burst of energy, allowing you to stay focused for the length of your workday. To avoid the afternoon slump, consider the following approaches.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

A healthy breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. Many people, however, believe they are too busy to eat breakfast every morning. If you skip breakfast, you’re setting yourself up for failure because you’ll eat a big lunch to make up for it. This can make you feel exhausted in the afternoon. The best breakfast is one that contains both nutritious grains and protein. For example, a bowl of Cornflakes with milk and fresh fruits, Choco flakes, or even instant oats could be eaten.

Pick up a nutritious mid-afternoon snack.

When your energy levels are low, your body may be in need of some sustenance. So the first piece of advice is to take a break from work and grab a bite or drink. When it comes to snack foods, we frequently make poor decisions. Foods high in simple carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop, resulting in a decrease in energy. Rather, make sure your afternoon snack is high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Fespro khaman Dhokla mix, muesli energy balls, fespro idli, quick oats, fusilli pasta, penne pasta, macroni pasta, or even roasted vermicelli are all good options. This will help you maintain a steady stream of energy.

Instant oats are the most convenient and healthy afternoon snacks for people of all ages. Fespro quick oats come in three flavours, making them more appealing and fascinating. The tomato twist is tangy, and the masala oats are packed with flavour. On the other hand, Veggies quick oats keep your mood and tummy full with the delicious taste of veggies.


The power of right snacking- hear it from the Physiotherapist

I always recommend my patients: To fuel the body the best way, make your food the medicine. Having right food doesn’t only relate with meals and dinner, but also perfect snacking. I have considered meal planning concept to snacking as well because it is essential incorporating snacks that works for you and not that works against you. Also, the right choice of snacks really makes a difference like it did for me ever since I shook hands with Fespro as my perfect snack partner:

So, before you decide anything about snacking, count on the following questions:

WHEN: Think about a normal day: at what times of the day do you feel hungry or reach for more food?

WHAT: Choose which snacks will fill you up. I would strongly advise you to try fespro’s special snacking options. A filling snack can satisfy your appetite, make you feel good, and help you forget about eating until your next meal! Fespro offers quick oats in three delectable flavours. You can also include whole wheat healthy pasta, penne pasta, fusilli pasta, macroni pasta, and even fespro’s healthy instant pasta pack to your flavour combinations. Snacking on nutritious meals with protein, fibre, and whole grains has been shown to increase satisfaction in studies. If you don’t have a special need but want to satisfy your hunger, try Fespro khaman dhokla mix or fespro idli mix, which are high in fibre and water and will fill your stomach quickly.

Although there are plenty of other options available in the market driven by the awareness that food is related to health and wellness, a vast variety of snacks are associated with weight gainpro

HOW MUCH: A snack amount should be large enough to satisfy you without interfering with your meal appetite or adding too many calories. As a general guideline, aim for 150-250 calories per snack. Check the Nutrition Facts label at the top of the container when buying a packaged snack like chips, dried fruit, or nuts to see how many servings there are. Remember that some foods are easy to eat in two or three pieces!

I can’t say enough about this, but as a picky snacker and physiotherapist, I’d offer Fespro big thumbs up. If you’re health-conscious like me, or should be, fespro food in indore becomes an excellent choice for your everyday munch and crunch!

~Dr Krishna Das
Consultant Physiotherapist, Indore


Most of us associate evening snacks with something decadent and greasy. Whether it’s samosas, pakodas, chips, or bondas, our teatime companions are usually a little high in calories, don’t you think?

 However, generalizing would be a mistake. For there is one popular snack from the western part of the country that we all enjoy, but it has escaped the stigma of being unhealthy, cholesterol-raising, or calorie-laden. We’re talking about the popular dhokla. We can never get enough of Gujarati dhoklas, which are feather-light and fluffy.

Dhokla is a popular dish in many households, but we undervalue its potential as a superfood. It contains all of the macronutrients that humans require.

Khaman Dhokla Mix is a delicious and healthy snack that fills you up without adding calories to your diet. Because of its high nutritional profile and low-calorie count, it is considered one of the healthiest snacks. Having a dhokla for breakfast keeps you energised throughout the day because it is high in carbs, protein, and fiber, which are the main sources of energy. Also, if you eat savory dhokla, you will reduce your sugar intake, which is beneficial.

Proteins abound in the ingredients of khaman dhokla. The fermented besan base increases the bioavailability of nutrients such as riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, thiamine, Vitamin K, and biotin.

When khaman dhokla is combined with omega, this recipe becomes a health-boosting powerhouse.

Omega fatty acids are nutrients obtained from food (or supplements) that aid in the development and maintenance of a healthy body. They are essential to the structure of every cell wall. They also serve as an energy source and aid in the proper functioning of your immune system.

Omega fats have also been found to help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in cancer and other illnesses, owing to these benefits.

The way of preparation, ingredients utilised, and fermented nature of our Frespro khaman dhokla contribute to its top ranking. Steaming saves calories while also making the snack light and delicious.

Our instant khaman Dhokhla mix with omega is your go-to recipe, requiring only a few minutes of cooking time before you have a delicious and healthy plate in front of you.

You can enjoy our instant mix at any time of day as a fantastic solution to fill your tummy with delicious and healthy recipes.