fespro foods-fusilli-pasta

Tips and Tricks to Style Your Pasta

People of all ages enjoy pasta because it is a simple, stress-free dinner. Pasta isn’t a portion of food; it’s a mood. Isn’t the ideal way to improve anyone’s mood a delicious meal of pasta? Whole wheat pasta has become a curse for pasta fans who are health-conscious. Fespro Whole wheat pasta of high quality is an excellent source of essential nutrients.

However, a meal with a good flavour should also be aesthetically pleasing. Indians eat with their sight first. Therefore, the food must also be a feast for the senses.

Here are some style suggestions for that mouth-watering meal of whole wheat pasta.

1. Dish: That eye-catching Pasta won’t look well against a patterned wall, will it? There is too much colour distraction, don’t you think? Therefore, a light, single-coloured porcelain dish would precisely match the fespro whole wheat  pasta India meal to emphasize the pasta and sauce more.

2. Add a garnish. The meal may seem beautiful and appealing by adding cheese flakes and fresh herbs as a garnish. A steaming fespro pasta dish with a sprinkle of fresh parmesan flakes is hard to resist.

3. Less is more: Don’t pile too much Pasta on your plate. Allowing the dish’s colours to pop is the most excellent way to serve it. Never forget that less is more.

4. Dress up your pasta meal with sauce: Western pasta dishes are untidy because the sauce is dolled up on top of the noodles. Before serving, combine the Pasta and sauce to produce a tidy plate.

5. Pasta nest: Different pasta shapes and sizes are produced by fespro. Durum wheat semolina is used to make real Pasta. Making Pasta nests give the dish a creative, attractive, and enjoyable appearance. To build a pasta nest, spin the sauced pasta on a fork to form a circle, then place it in the middle of the plate.

6. Keep it fresh: Food in its original form looks attractive and offers nourishment. Adding new ingredients and veggies to your cuisine may transform it. Prepare the meal right before serving as well. Fresh food on a hot platter may melt a stone as well.

Please don’t just serve our fespro Pasta in a bowl, destroying its aesthetic appeal! Even a considerate serving may make someone’s day. Let Fespro pasta aid as a mood enhancer for everyone.

No Cheese and Only Pasta

No Cheese and Only Pasta! Let’s Go!

Pasta and cheese go together like two closest friends, but we don’t realize how wonderful of friends they are when they aren’t together.

People frequently ask, “But how can you live without cheese?” the minute they find out you’re lactose intolerant. Little do they realize that there are a variety of delectable non-dairy foods that lactose-intolerant persons can still enjoy. If you are lactose intolerant, you should include fespro instant pasta on your shopping list because it is adaptable.

Dairy free Pesto Pasta

You’ll adore this dish since it’s so simple to prepare and because most of the components are likely already in your kitchen.


  • Take pasta in three cups
  • Olive oil, 1/4 cup
  • Sun-dried tomatoes, 1 cup
  • 4-6 garlic cloves
  • Over the spaghetti, add more than a cup of basil while it’s cooking.
  • Optional: dairy-free parmesan cheese


  • Pasta and salt should be added to boiling water. Drain it after cooking it until it’s al dente.
  • Blend the tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil until the mixture resembles a thick, flavourful pesto.
  • Put the pasta back into the pesto-filled saucepan and stir until it appears equally covered. To finish the pesto pasta, add a little extra olive oil and fresh herbs.
  • Add basil to the dish.

Salad of Grilled Pasta

Salad of Grilled Pasta

This dish is practical if you want to use up all the leftover vegetables in your fridge. It’s easy to make, tasty, and healthful.


  • 1 cup of fusilli pasta
  • Four big tomatoes, quartered
  • 4-6 garlic cloves (add more if you are a garlic fanatic)
  • 1/fourth cup minced basil
  • Vegetables of your choosing (e.g., one onion, one red bell pepper)
  • Balsamic vinegar (if you don’t have any, melt the sugar crystals in white vinegar and vinegar and use that instead)
  • Almond oil
  • Pepper and salt.


  • Fusilli pasta should be added to salted boiling water. Once cooked al dente, drain.
  • On a grill pan, grill all of your vegetables. While grilling, season them with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Place them aside to cool when they have browned. Finely chop the garlic cloves.
  • Pasta that has been cooked should also have garlic added. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil should also be added. Depending on your taste, add salt and pepper to the dish.
  • At room temperature, or serve chilled.

Pasta Without Cheese Let’s Move! You would like these meals even if you weren’t lactose intolerant. They are also healthful, non-greasy, and handy. While savouring your pasta, you won’t even think about missing cheese.

Endure what your favourite Pasta says about your Personality.

Endure what your favorite Pasta says about your Personality.

Our decisions shape who we are! This is a reality that applies to everyone. A truth that even holds for the decisions you make when consuming pasta.

Your choice while placing an order for meals says a lot about your personality and how you’re feeling right now!

Are you interested in learning more about your personality regarding your preferred pasta? So let’s find out if you are bold and cheesy like fespro macaroni pasta or light-hearted like linguini!

Those who enjoy ordering white sauce and shell pasta on Friday nights —

The Emotionally Grounded

White sauce Shell Pasta is preferred over anything else, demonstrating a more realistic and pragmatic way of thinking.

They have self-assurance, and they place high importance on loyalty. They aim for harmony in all things and strive to be articulate. Try fespro pasta macroni in white sauce and refresh your evenings!

Who Can Consume Red Sauce on Fespro Fusilli Pasta Three Times Daily –

The Expressive

The Inventive Variety. They like defying convention and acting following moral convictions. They are neither strategically aware nor tactically aware.

Their feelings influence the decisions they make. They are laid-back and savour the variety in life. Take each day as it comes!

Those Who Have fespro pasta Macaroni Rigate with Tomato Sauce Always Ready –

The Well-known and Reliable

The donors! Their primary goal in life is to improve the lives of others around them and to provide assistance.

They are the ones who people seek for suggestions or answers to any problems. Like Macaroni Rigate, they are straightforward and practical.

Trusting Every Restaurant’s Mini Spiral Pasta –

The Ingenious

A sensible individual with a reputation for dependability would choose this decision.

Because they may be prepared in various ways each time, they can relate to the delightful, swirly noodles.

They exhibit their self-awareness by being purely lovely.

Favours Mac & Cheese with Extra Cheese –

The Difficult People

The hard-working, unadventurous, yet still youthful type of people.

They prefer to relax in bed and order takeout for their evening meal.

They lead independent lives and will go over and above for particular people.

Noodles All The Way –

An optimist with a carefree outlook on life

When given a chance to try something new, they get enthused and like offering helpful comments.

They aim for excellence in all they do and try to manoeuvre their way through life. The way to live it in style!

Vermicelli Pasta Addict –

The Detail Oriented

These kinds of an individual are meticulous by nature.

They frequently receive the highest accolades from each group! It is a good idea to try friendship of fespro vermicelli with fespro multigrain pasta.


The power of right snacking- hear it from the Physiotherapist

I always recommend my patients: To fuel the body the best way, make your food the medicine. Having right food doesn’t only relate with meals and dinner, but also perfect snacking. I have considered meal planning concept to snacking as well because it is essential incorporating snacks that works for you and not that works against you. Also, the right choice of snacks really makes a difference like it did for me ever since I shook hands with Fespro as my perfect snack partner:

So, before you decide anything about snacking, count on the following questions:

WHEN: Think about a normal day: at what times of the day do you feel hungry or reach for more food?

WHAT: Choose which snacks will fill you up. I would strongly advise you to try fespro’s special snacking options. A filling snack can satisfy your appetite, make you feel good, and help you forget about eating until your next meal! Fespro offers quick oats in three delectable flavours. You can also include whole wheat healthy pasta, penne pasta, fusilli pasta, macroni pasta, and even fespro’s healthy instant pasta pack to your flavour combinations. Snacking on nutritious meals with protein, fibre, and whole grains has been shown to increase satisfaction in studies. If you don’t have a special need but want to satisfy your hunger, try Fespro khaman dhokla mix or fespro idli mix, which are high in fibre and water and will fill your stomach quickly.

Although there are plenty of other options available in the market driven by the awareness that food is related to health and wellness, a vast variety of snacks are associated with weight gainpro

HOW MUCH: A snack amount should be large enough to satisfy you without interfering with your meal appetite or adding too many calories. As a general guideline, aim for 150-250 calories per snack. Check the Nutrition Facts label at the top of the container when buying a packaged snack like chips, dried fruit, or nuts to see how many servings there are. Remember that some foods are easy to eat in two or three pieces!

I can’t say enough about this, but as a picky snacker and physiotherapist, I’d offer Fespro big thumbs up. If you’re health-conscious like me, or should be, fespro food in indore becomes an excellent choice for your everyday munch and crunch!

~Dr Krishna Das
Consultant Physiotherapist, Indore


Once a FESPRO fan, always a FESPRO fan

Everyone can eat whatever they want. As a foodie, I never stop experimenting with new flavours. But I always go for the healthiest options. There was a time when pasta was not on my favourite foods list. I’m not sure why, but I used to avoid pasta for no apparent reason. On our dinner dates, pasta was definitely the last thing on my mind! And I’m not the only one. Between polls of pasta loves and dislikes, there is undoubtedly a significant gap. There are those people who, like myself, cannot stand the flavour of the pasta. Then, one day, when I discovered the four species of healthy pasta in indore, I fell in love with them.

Then, one day, when I discovered four of Fespro’s healthiest pasta species, I fell in love with pasta.

Aside from opting to maintain my pasta need after having Fespro pasta, I also learned about the advantages of their healthy pasta varieties.

It’s time to learn about the advantages and what you’re losing out on!

1) Fespro Pasta is not only delicious but also nutritious!

Fespro pasta is the ideal foundation for a nutritious, filling, and gratifying dinner. Why? To begin with, it is an excellent complement to a wide range of foods, including fiber-rich vegetables and beans, heart-healthy fish, antioxidant-rich tomato sauce, protein-rich cheeses, poultry, and lean meats. Second, multigrain pasta, quinoa pasta, ragi, and whole wheat pasta are all highly healthy options.

2) Retainer of energy

Fespro pasta just like fespro quinoa pasta is an excellent source of complex carbs since you may pick between four high-protein, high-fiber, iron, thiamine, copper, and vitamin B6 cereals.nIt produces energy at a moderate and steady rate, unlike sugar, which produces energy surges.

3) No Cholesterol and Low Sodium

If you’re always on the lookout for ways to lower your cholesterol, here’s another reason to enjoy pasta: it’s the perfect and delectable treat for you! It’s per bowl is loaded with a good source of various critical nutrients, including iron and B-vitamins, despite being low in salt and cholesterol-free

My favourite Fespro Multigrain Pasta, for example, contains the goodness of Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl Millet (Bajra), Wheat Semolina, and Quinoa, making it a high-fiber food.

Life is too short not to eat pasta, particularly Fespro’s four unique varieties. Open your mind to fespro pasta and make your weekends exciting and nutritious!

~Rashika Joshi Maheshwari
Author and Business owner