Good food, uplift your mood!

It is quite interesting that there is a relationship between what you eat and what you feel. I know having mood swings, especially with girls is quite common.  But what do you do to correct the mood to swing in the right way? My answer is food. Tried and tested every time I flew away in dealing with irritations, Food is like a saviour. Along with affecting your physical health, food can make your mood go instantly feel better.  Several times it’s your physical health conditions or changes that come out when you are actually craving some food. For example, if your blood sugar drops you might feel tired, irritable and depressed. At this time, eating regularly and choosing foods that release energy slowly will help to keep your sugar levels steady. Such food includes macaroni pasta, penne pasta, fusilli pasta, instant oats, cereals, corn flakes, choco flakes, vermicelli and nuts.

To ensure you get a good range of nutrients directly means you need to add a variety of different coloured fruits and vegetables. Fruits come with vibrant colours along with a lot of the minerals, vitamins and fibre we need to keep us physically and mentally healthy.  Sometimes your gut can reflect how you are feeling emotionally. If you’re stressed or anxious you can go for the choicest foods such as khaman dhokla. Even a plate of fritters will do a great job in bringing a widened smile to your face.

Food plays a significant role in our physical health, and mental and emotional health. Many of us don’t know but often experience that food is the best way to overcome depression. When you are struggling with depression, it can feel a bit overwhelming to think about eating the right foods. However, some of these small changes in your diet may help to decrease your symptoms and have a positive effect on your daily life.

Good food helps in the regulation of mood.  You can see the difference after you enjoy a happy meal with your friends and leave you happy go till the next day! So the next time you feel dull and depressed, cook well at home in minutes and uplift your mood the entire day.

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