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Tips and Tricks to Style Your Pasta

People of all ages enjoy pasta because it is a simple, stress-free dinner. Pasta isn’t a portion of food; it’s a mood. Isn’t the ideal way to improve anyone’s mood a delicious meal of pasta? Whole wheat pasta has become a curse for pasta fans who are health-conscious. Fespro Whole wheat pasta of high quality is an excellent source of essential nutrients.

However, a meal with a good flavour should also be aesthetically pleasing. Indians eat with their sight first. Therefore, the food must also be a feast for the senses.

Here are some style suggestions for that mouth-watering meal of whole wheat pasta.

1. Dish: That eye-catching Pasta won’t look well against a patterned wall, will it? There is too much colour distraction, don’t you think? Therefore, a light, single-coloured porcelain dish would precisely match the fespro whole wheat  pasta India meal to emphasize the pasta and sauce more.

2. Add a garnish. The meal may seem beautiful and appealing by adding cheese flakes and fresh herbs as a garnish. A steaming fespro pasta dish with a sprinkle of fresh parmesan flakes is hard to resist.

3. Less is more: Don’t pile too much Pasta on your plate. Allowing the dish’s colours to pop is the most excellent way to serve it. Never forget that less is more.

4. Dress up your pasta meal with sauce: Western pasta dishes are untidy because the sauce is dolled up on top of the noodles. Before serving, combine the Pasta and sauce to produce a tidy plate.

5. Pasta nest: Different pasta shapes and sizes are produced by fespro. Durum wheat semolina is used to make real Pasta. Making Pasta nests give the dish a creative, attractive, and enjoyable appearance. To build a pasta nest, spin the sauced pasta on a fork to form a circle, then place it in the middle of the plate.

6. Keep it fresh: Food in its original form looks attractive and offers nourishment. Adding new ingredients and veggies to your cuisine may transform it. Prepare the meal right before serving as well. Fresh food on a hot platter may melt a stone as well.

Please don’t just serve our fespro Pasta in a bowl, destroying its aesthetic appeal! Even a considerate serving may make someone’s day. Let Fespro pasta aid as a mood enhancer for everyone.