fespro poha

Poha | The Quintessential Indian Breakfast

Poha, a light and fluffy dish native to Maharashtra in Western India, is made with flattened rice seasoned with onions, potatoes, and warming spices. With the earthy turmeric and fresh green chilies, the bright yellow colored dish served as a savoury breakfast or snack, is healthy as well as delicious. 

Everybody’s best feelings revolve around fresh, steaming Fespro Poha served on lazy Sunday mornings. Many have been fortunate to learn, try, and test the Maharashtrian Poha recipe, which we are pleased to share with you.

Snacks and breakfasts that are easy

Fespro Poha is a that breakfast dish served in Indian homes that require minimal preparation. I have tried many versions of this beautiful vegan dish. My north Indian friends season their Kanda-Batata (onion-potato) poha with peanuts, while my Maharashtrian friends add fresh green peas. Regardless of how it’s done, the result is always uber delicious.     

There is much more to Poha than just a meal for every Indian. As core Indians, we prefer simple and humble Kanda Poha. A steaming cup of ginger chai and a steaming bowl of fespro Poha helped forge many lasting marriage alliances in the old days. The bride-to-be would rule her kitchen if she cooked lip-smacking Kande Pohe.

Benefits of Instant Poha        

Carbohydrates, fibre, and vitamins are all found in instant poha. It is a very healthy probiotic food that has very few calories. Weight management and weight loss are ideal with their 76.9% carbohydrate and 23% fat content. There are 76.9 per cent carbohydrates in it, so it’s excellent breakfast food. Energy is provided to the body for everyday tasks.

Poha is considered the perfect breakfast food not just in India but around the world. Poha is incredibly easy to prepare, and even a novice cook cannot go wrong with any basic poha recipe. Additionally, it is cooked with vegetables like peas, potatoes, coriander, and even crunchy peanuts. As a result, the dish is more nutritious and filling. In addition, it’s very cheap and packed with nutrients!

Various variations 

Onions are a must in this recipe, but many other variations exist. I like to add a diced potato to my poha, and here are some more ideas:

  • Peas, green
  • Sliced carrots
  • Acorns
  • Along with the green chilies and curry leaves, add raw peanuts.